13.10 - png terminal in gnuplot - Ask Ubuntu
askubuntu.com › questions › 393882Oct 6, 2013 · To set png as the output file format of your graph you need to set the following in your *.gnu file: set terminal png set output filename.png. Share. Improve this answer. Follow. answered Dec 21, 2013 at 13:27. jobin. 26.5k 16 99 116. the png terminal is not on the list of available terminals so I can not use it.
Terminal "png" missing when using Gnuplot
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22816030The reason the png terminal is not available is that it's a libgd-based terminal along with jpeg, and gif. For these terminals gnuplot requires libgd version >= 2.0. In order to get it available you have to install GD Graphics Library first: $ sudo apt-get install libgd2-dev Then install gnuplot and check that the png terminal is present:
http://web.mit.edu › doc › node409set terminal png {{no}transparent} {{no}interlace} {{no}truecolor} {rounded|butt} ... If gnuplot was built with support for TrueType (*.ttf) or Adobe Type 1 ...
gd (png, gif, jpeg, sixel terminals)
gnuplot.info/docs_5.5/loc3614.htmlgd (png, gif, jpeg, sixel terminals) Font handling for the png, gif, jpeg, and sixelgd terminals is done by the libgd library. At a minimum it provides five basic fonts named tiny, small, medium, …
png - How do I enable the pngcairo terminal in Gnuplot ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 10496469Gnuplot also has a regular png terminal which should exist if your gnuplot distribution was able to find libgd at compile time or your package manager included it. And easy way to tell which terminals you have enabled is to just type set terminal in an interactive gnuplot window. That will print a list of all the terminals that your gnuplot is able to use (which depends on the libraries it was compiled with)
set terminal png · Issue #1 · usnistgov/F4DE · GitHub
github.com › usnistgov › F4DEFeb 22, 2016 · The options f4de generates for gnuplot assume the png terminal will be provided by libgd. When png terminal is provided by libcairo, this command from the makefile will ends up with an error: gnuplot> set terminal png truecolor medium size 800,800 crop Terminal type set to 'pngcairo' ^ unrecognized terminal option